My daughter loves a game of Tic Tac Toe. So I took the challenge and decided to create and design our very own version of the good ol’ classic.

This is my first solo JavaScript project without any tutorials or guidance along the way. I decided to put my “tutorial JavaScript skills” to the test and created this simple game without any help from tutorials or guides online (I did have to look for reference along the way though).

My CSS was more rusty than expected, so I actually spent most of the time looking up reference for grid-layouts and animation effects.

I will probably come back to this game in the future and work on making the code more DRY and with better comments. Even though this was a small project, I soon realised that good planning and structure is essential to avoid the code getting messy and out of hand. So a bit of cleaning up would be nice, but I think the game looks and works how I wanted it too, which is a succes in my book for now 🙂

Try it on my page here or see the CodePen below.

Good luck XO!

See the Pen Tic Tac Toe – selfmade by Hresben (@Hresben) on CodePen.